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  主題: 為何強勢美元對美國有利

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發表版面: 經濟學討論區   發表於: 星期二 九月 09, 2003 1:29 pm   主題: 為何強勢美元對美國有利
Can you point me when he made such a comment?

I have been following Greenspan's speeches and testimonies since last year. He rarely made comments on US Dollar. His comment on US Dollar is a ...
  主題: Deflation

回覆: 4
觀看: 19123

發表版面: 經濟學討論區   發表於: 星期六 八月 02, 2003 1:50 am   主題: Re: Deflation is not a devil~~~
Hi Sunflower,

When deflation occurs, certainly consumers will benefit from it if they still keep the job. The economy could benefit from it, too, provided that the increased spending, stimu ...
  主題: Deflation

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發表版面: 經濟學討論區   發表於: 星期四 七月 31, 2003 8:08 am   主題: Re: Deflation
Professor Wu,

Thanks for your response. I would like to throw in some of my observations as follows:

Last year, Wal*Mart tops the US retailer list again. Its revenues are greater ...
  主題: Deflation

回覆: 4
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發表版面: 經濟學討論區   發表於: 星期二 七月 29, 2003 9:47 am   主題: Deflation
Hi Professor Wu,

Your article on China Times leads me to your web site and this board.

http://news.chinatimes.com/Chinatimes/newslist/newslist-content/0,3546,110503+1120030728000 ...
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